The Riba-free Meezan Asaan Savings Account is another addition to the offerings of Meezan bank. Meezan Asaan Account opens the doors of banking products and services to those customers who have limited proof of source of income. The account can be opened with just Rs. 100/- and a valid CNIC/ SNIC / Passport / National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) / Pakistan Origin Card (POC) / Alien Registration Card (ARC) issued by National Aliens / Registration Authority (NARA) / Pension Book.
(Meezan Asaan Savings Account is meant for resident individuals having Pakistani nationality only)
*Maximum credit limit not valid in case of Inward Remittance.
On agreeing to become a Asaan Savings Account holder, the customer enters into a relationship based on Mudarabah with Meezan Bank. Under this relationship, the customer is an Investor (Rab-ul-Maal) and the Bank is the Manager (Mudarib) of the funds deposited by the customers. The Bank allocates the funds received from the customers to a deposit pool; funds from the pool are utilized to provide financing to customers under Islamic modes that include, but are not restricted to Murabaha, Ijarah, Istisna and Diminishing Musharkah.
Bank will share 50% of Gross Income as Mudarib
Depositor will share 50% of Gross Income as Rab-ul-Maal
Products | Tier Groups | Weightage Assigned |
Meezan Asaan Savings Account | Monthly | 0.45 |
Products | Tenure | Profit Assigned |
Meezan Asaan Savings Account | Monthly | 8.01% |
PDF version of our printed Account Opening Form is also available for download. You can print the form, fill your details and submit it along with the required documents at your preferred branch.
Download FormYou may visit any branch of Meezan Bank and our staff will assist you in filling the printed Account Opening Form and opening your account.
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