The Dollar Mudarabah Certificate (DMC) is a deposit product through which you can invest your US Dollars with Meezan Bank for periods ranging from 3 months to 3 years and earn six-monthly or at maturity profit payments on your investment.
Investment tenures are 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 3 years
Profit payment will be made either at maturity or on a six-monthly basis to your Meezan Bank Dollar Saving Account
Minimum Investment required is USD 10,000/-
Pre-mature withdrawal can be made as per approved schedule
The Distributable income of the deposit pool is distributed among the bank (Mudarib) and customers (Rab ul Maal) on the basis of a pre-determined profit sharing ratio and weightages which shall be announced 3 days before beginning of every month and shall not be changed during the month. According to the sprit of Mudarbah, the profit rates are calculated and announced up to seven days of the subsequent month from the monthly income of the trade activities of the pool. Conversely, in case of the loss as per the rule of Mudarbah, the Rab ul Maal shall bear the loss in the ratio of their investment.
Bank will share 75% of Distributable Income as Mudarib
Depositor will share 25% of Distributable Income as Rab-ul-Maal
Products | Tier groups | Weightage Assigned |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 3 Months - Maturity | 0.60 |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 6 Months - Maturity | 0.65 |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 1 Year - Six Monthly | 0.80 |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 1 Year - Maturity | 0.82 |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 3 Years - Six Monthly | 0.84 |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 3 Years - Maturity | 0.85 |
Products | Tenure | Profit Assigned |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 3 Months - Maturity | 2.06% |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 6 Months - Maturity | 2.24% |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 1 Year - Six Monthly | 2.75% |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 1 Year - Maturity | 2.82% |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 3 Years - Six Monthly | 2.89% |
Dollar Mudarabah Certificate ($10K & Above) | COII 3 Years - Maturity | 2.92% |
Zakat Clause : In Dollar Mudarabah Certificate Zakat is deducted as per the directives of Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980. Therefore, customers are advised to calculate their Zakat as per the guidelines of their respective school of thought (Makatib e fikr).
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