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Truly Halal Savings with Competitive Returns

The Riba-free Rupee Saving Account is a basic banking account for every customer's need. The account provides expected monthly returns along with a variety of free packaged benefits.

Meezan Rupee Saving Account can be opened by Individuals and businesses including Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships and Limited Companies.

Freelancers can also open this account, subject to satisfactory proof of income document.

Key Features


Issuance of chequebook in accordance with the Schedule of Charges (SOCs)

Free Pay Orders

Free Pay Orders

Free Internet Banking

Free Internet Banking Facility

Minimum Investment

Minimum investment required is Rs. 100/- *

Online Branch Banking

Free Online Banking service at all Meezan Bank branches

Priority Desk

Access to priority desk

Profit Payment & Calculation

Profit will be paid on monthly basis and calculated on daily basis


No restriction on withdrawals or number of transactions

* No initial deposit would be required for opening of accounts for
(i) Mustahkeen of Zakat
(ii) Students
(iii) Employees of Government or semi-Government institutions for salary and pension purposes (including widows/children of deceased employees eligible for family pension/benevolent fund grant, etc.)

How the Rupee Savings Account Works

Download Fatwa

On agreeing to become a Rupee Saving Account holder, the customer enters into a relationship based on Mudarabah with Meezan Bank. Under this relationship, the customer is an Investor (Rab-ul-Maal) and the Bank is the Manager (Mudarib) of the funds deposited by the customers. The Bank allocates the funds received from the customers to a deposit pool; funds from the pool are utilized to provide financing to customers under Islamic modes that include, but are not restricted to Murabaha, Ijarah, Istisna and Diminishing Musharkah.

Profit Sharing Ratio

Bank will share 50% of Gross Income as Mudarib

Depositor will share 50% of Gross Income as Rab-ul-Maal

Weightages for the Month of March 2025
ProductsTier GroupsWeightage Assigned
Rupee Saving AccountMonthly0.45
Rupee Saving Account (For FIs, PSEs and PLCs)Monthly0.34
Consolidated Weightages
Profit Rates
Profit Rates for the Month of February 2025
ProductsTenureProfit Assigned
Rupee Savings AccountMonthly8.01%
Rupee Saving Account (For FIs, PSEs and PLCs)Monthly4.78%
Profit Rates
Historical Profit Rates

Want to Open a Rupee Savings Account

Download, Print, Fill Form

PDF version of our printed Account Opening Form is also available for download. You can print the form, fill your details and submit it along with the required documents at your preferred branch.

Download Form

Visit a Branch

You may visit any branch of Meezan Bank and our staff will assist you in filling the printed Account Opening Form and opening your account.

Locate a Branch

Get Contacted

Fill out the form below to be contacted by a Meezan Bank representative.

Get Contacted

Get contacted by our representative!

Fill out the form below and you'll be guided about how you can open your new account.

Name *
Phone Number *
City *
Nearest branch *