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Receive Remittance in Your Wallet & Stay Connected with Loved ones

Smart Remittance Wallet is a digital transformation for receiving home remittance in fast, secure and convenient manner. Smart Remittance Wallet is a unique wallet account with a saving facility. It allows our customers to receive remittance directly in their account and get free air time of PKR 2 against each dollar received. Smart Remittance Wallet also gives good profit rates on savings, with the flexibility to use the money at any time.

Biometric facility will also allow customers to withdraw cash from Meezan Bank branches. The Smart Remittance Wallet holder can keep balance up to PKR 1.5 million.

Terms and Conditions apply

Key Features

Minimium Investment

Instant account opening

Instant account opening via biometric

Age Group

Free airtime

Receive remittance and get free airtime of Rs. 2 against each dollar

Great Gifts

Biometric scanning

Cash withdrawal from any Meezan branch by biometric scanning

Halal Profits

Minimum deposit

No requirement of minimum deposit

Kids Club Certificate

Maximum balance

Maximum balance worth PKR 1.5 million allowed

Personalized Chequebook

Internet and Online Banking

Free internet and mobile banking services

Personalied Debit Card


No withholding tax on withdrawals

Internet and Online Banking


Monthly disbursement of profit

Terms & Conditions
Key Fact Statements (KFS)

How the Smart Remittance Wallet Works?

Download Fatwa

On agreeing to become a Smart Remittance Wallet holder, the customer enters into a relationship based on Mudarabah with Meezan Bank. Under this relationship, the customer is an Investor (Rab-ul-Maal) and the Bank is the Manager (Mudarib) of the funds deposited by the customers. The Bank allocates the funds received from the customers to a deposit pool and funds from the pool are utilized to provide financing to customers under Islamic modes that include, but are not restricted to Murabaha, Ijarah, Istisna and Diminishing Musharkah.

Profit Sharing Ratio

Bank will share 50% of Gross Income as Mudarib

Depositor will share 50% of Gross Income as Rab-ul-Maal

Weightages for the Month of March 2025
ProductsTier GroupsWeightage Assigned
Smart Remittance WalletMonthly0.45
Consolidated Weightages
Profit Rates
Profit Rates for the Month of February 2025
ProductsTenureProfit Assigned
Smart Remittance WalletMonthly8.01%
Profit Rates
Historical Profit Rates

Want to Open a Smart Remittance Wallet

Visit a Branch

You may visit any branch of Meezan Bank and our staff will assist you in opening your account.

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Fill out the form below to be contacted by a Meezan Bank representative.

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Get contacted by our representative!

Fill out the form below and you'll be guided about how you can open your new account.

Name *
Phone Number *
City *
Nearest branch *